Dec 5, 2023
When the day before Thanksgiving rolls around, you might be tempted to shut down your job search and enjoy the holidays. Nothing will be going on until the first of the year, you presume. Not so fast! There's nothing wrong with enjoying the holidays, but you do need to stay engaged in your job hunt.
Many companies have...
Nov 7, 2023
Whether we're talking about your resume or LinkedIn profile you only have a few seconds to capture the reader's 9hiring manager, recruiter) attention.
Stop wasting these valuable seconds telling them what they already know.
On Apple Podcast:
Aug 15, 2023
Do job candidates face ageism in their search. At times, yes. Often times; however, it's the candidates behavior that shines light on their age rather than where it's supposed to be; on their skills and expertise.
In this episode we discuss how even subtle things like your word choices, dress and even your email address...
Aug 1, 2023
By now you've probably seen or heard one of the many ads from the popular job boards. The next time you hear one, listen closely. To whom are they marketing the "benefits" of their site? It's almost always to the employer; the one who will pay their fee.
In this episode Lee and Jane discuss why spending the majority of...
Jul 18, 2023
Career Management consultant, Travis Black, returns to discuss what job seekers need to know about working with recruiters. He discussed: